I Love The Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Who Lives Within Me, Now and Forever. Amen
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Sunday, December 04, 2011
What Happened To Advent In Our Youth & Young Adult Groups?

Don’t get me wrong, buying gifts and spending the “bucks” is not bad at all, but when it takes precedence over Jesus as the “True Reason of the Season”, then we have strayed far from Him. It’s time we get back to the root of our faith in the Incarnation, bringing to light the traditions that have made our Advent Season a time of preparation for the coming of Jesus. We, the children of our Father in Heaven should be mindful of this deep preparation for we give honor to the Name above all names that won us to the Father’s Heart.
The problem I find in most youth and young adult circles is that they do not know or understand the meanings and symbols of Advent and Christmas. Let alone, some see it as a waist of time; a past time experience that seldom attracts or moves the Christian heart to a deep awareness of his or her need of Jesus. Christmas truly challenges the Christian to believe whole heartedly in Jesus, Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity. Hence the Advent season prepares us to enter into a more personal relationship with Jesus. This should be the desire of every Christian, “I want to belong to Jesus. I want to be His alone. I want to be Holy.” Isn’t that the reason for the Season?
Youth and Young Adult Ministers should be aware of those who say that the symbols, traditions, liturgical prayers, and songs of praise are meaningless. Let alone, they should not be so quick to say to themselves that all these little details are worthless. This will only show that the youth or young adult minister is interested in other things then the Birth of Jesus. It will affect not only their Christian walk, but their vocation as well. The “Domino” effect will also shake the faith of the youth and young adults they serve.
Advent should be for all of us Christians a “Waiting For The Moment” experience; that experience being the encounter of Jesus as a Child.
Here are 6 tips to get you, your group, and your family involved in preparing for Christmas during this Advent season.
1) Purchase or make an Advent Wreath that will have candle holders. Get three purple candles and a pink candle. You can purchase them at a Catholic Religious gift shop nearest you. Visit our links of Catholic stores. Purchase or look up on the internet prayers that coincide with the lighting of each candle, or look in your parish missal and follow the prayers and biblical reflections for the days you meet. Make sure they coincide with the Sunday readings. Also displaying a Nativity scene in your group or home can emphasize the meaning of the Incarnation.
2) Pray the Rosary in dedication of the Joyful Mysteries. In between each decade, sing Christmas Carols in connection of Jesus’ coming. Prepare together with Our Lady as you pray for a deeper love of the Incarnation.
3) Prepare your talks or dynamics in connection to the Incarnation. Use Sacred Scripture, the Catechism, and the Lives of the Saints to inspire the youth and young adults during Advent. Invite special guest speakers, THOSE WHO KNOW & LIVE the season of Advent. BEWARE OF THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN THE MEANING OF THE INCARNATION.
4) Pick a special day for family and friends to gather for prayer, singing Christmas carols, readings of Scripture, and readings of the writings of the Saints in connection with Christmas and the Incarnation.
5) Plan a fund raiser or project in helping those in need during the Christmas time. Connect it to the parish life, and try not to go far from your parish, remember your community is your first home. Even visiting the sick or elderly at home and at the hospitals (THAT BELONG TO YOUR PARISH) can be a Christmas gift. You can pray with them, sing Christmas Carols, or give a small gift to them that may help them prepare for Christmas.
6) Encourage members of your community to get involved parish activities such as daily and Sunday Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, morning, evening and night prayers, lessons and carols, Advent missions, and so much more.
Let’s prepare New York Catholic Youth and Young Adults for the Coming of Jesus. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever!
Thursday, December 01, 2011
St Mary's Christmas Brunch 2011
Help The Needy On Christmas Day: DHT'S Spreading The Word
Dear Friends in Christ
Christmas is just around the corner, and the homeless are still without. But there are ways to help them out and maybe to inspire youth and young adult ministers to start projects in support of the poor in our beloved city.
On December 25th, St. Mary's will be holding its 19th annual "Christmas Day Brunch" for the homeless and poor families in the Lower East Side.
The reason for this event is simply to help the needy, but to inspire parishes to respond to the needs of the poor in their vicariates or in their diocese. You can be a part and share your gift of love, your resources, even your time on this blessed day.
- WE ARE IN NEED OF HOT FOOD - Turkey, Meat Loaf, Whole Chicken, Beef Stew, Soup, Mixed Veggies, Corn, Rice, Gravy, Mac and Cheese and any desert you can think of!!!
- They are in need of CUPS, PLATES, UTENSILS, NAPKINS, and FOIL.
- Donations / Clothing / Toys and Books for Children +
- Drivers to deliver food to the homeless *
And much more!
Register Online Today @ St Mary's Church Christmas Brunch
Contact the following people:
+ Pat 347- 327-3737 psanabria@stmaryschurchles.com
+ Johnny @ 347-901-3155 Holy-Knight@juno.com
Location: St. Mary's Hall; 440 Grand St.; NY, NY 10002
Date & Time: Sunday, 25th 2011 / 11:30pm - 2pm (volunteers can come earlier 9:AM)
Not a problem, just pray for the work we do by offering prayer through the rosary, through adoration of the blessed sacrament, and most importantly daily and Sunday Masses.
You can even spread the word to your friends and family by printing out this letter. You can promote it in schools, churches, and businesses.
Serving a hot plate of food, or giving a warm cup of coffee may hit the spot, but sharing the faith with those suffering in our city HITS THE HEART! Join us for this great day where we celebrate TOGETHER the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, while sharing that very love with the poor. Make Jesus and the Poor the Reason for this Season!
Stayed Tuned for more DHTNewz
Juan Rodriguez "Arthanius"
Defenders of the Holy Trinity

Christmas is just around the corner, and the homeless are still without. But there are ways to help them out and maybe to inspire youth and young adult ministers to start projects in support of the poor in our beloved city.
On December 25th, St. Mary's will be holding its 19th annual "Christmas Day Brunch" for the homeless and poor families in the Lower East Side.
The reason for this event is simply to help the needy, but to inspire parishes to respond to the needs of the poor in their vicariates or in their diocese. You can be a part and share your gift of love, your resources, even your time on this blessed day.
- WE ARE IN NEED OF HOT FOOD - Turkey, Meat Loaf, Whole Chicken, Beef Stew, Soup, Mixed Veggies, Corn, Rice, Gravy, Mac and Cheese and any desert you can think of!!!
- They are in need of CUPS, PLATES, UTENSILS, NAPKINS, and FOIL.
- Donations / Clothing / Toys and Books for Children +
- Drivers to deliver food to the homeless *
And much more!
Register Online Today @ St Mary's Church Christmas Brunch
Contact the following people:
+ Pat 347- 327-3737 psanabria@stmaryschurchles.com
+ Johnny @ 347-901-3155 Holy-Knight@juno.com
Location: St. Mary's Hall; 440 Grand St.; NY, NY 10002
Date & Time: Sunday, 25th 2011 / 11:30pm - 2pm (volunteers can come earlier 9:AM)
Not a problem, just pray for the work we do by offering prayer through the rosary, through adoration of the blessed sacrament, and most importantly daily and Sunday Masses.
You can even spread the word to your friends and family by printing out this letter. You can promote it in schools, churches, and businesses.
Serving a hot plate of food, or giving a warm cup of coffee may hit the spot, but sharing the faith with those suffering in our city HITS THE HEART! Join us for this great day where we celebrate TOGETHER the Incarnation of our Lord Jesus Christ, while sharing that very love with the poor. Make Jesus and the Poor the Reason for this Season!
Stayed Tuned for more DHTNewz
Juan Rodriguez "Arthanius"
Defenders of the Holy Trinity
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Waiting for the Moment - Advent to Christmas

You'll find here articles, reflections and teachings on the Mystery of the Birth of Jesus and its connection to our Spiritual Life. If this is your first time entering into Advent then may this adventure and spiritual growth live in your heart for ever. If you've been through Advent and Christmas so many times and feel that you've lost the meaning of the Season - WE INVITE YOU TO WALK WITH US in preparation for His Birth and lets walk with the Church as though we were actually there - sitting with Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and all the Angels.
So bring out your old Christmas Trees, your flashing lights and beautiful decorations, your manger scenes, your wreath, and advent candles - we're going to prepare for His Coming.
- What Happened to Advent in Our Youth & Young Adult Groups? By Juan Rodriguez
- ¿Que Pasó con el Adviento en Nuestros Grupos de Jovenes? Por Juan Rodriguez
Other Articles from our Friends
Topics on Christmas
- What Christmas Is All About: Inspired by the song "The Christmas Shoes" produced by the Christian music group "New Song". Short Story by Juan Rodriguez
Other Articles from our Friends
- A Christmas Story - By Peter McFaden: Love & Responsibiity Foundation
Some Cool Ideas for Catholic Youth and Young Adult Groups
Retreats, Talks and Reflections on Advent & Christmas by DHT
Prayers for Advent and Christmas
- Advent Prayers: OurCatholicPrayers.com
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Lent: Our Passion, Death & Resurrection

This section of the Land of Arthanius is to help youth and young adult leaders gain insight for their group or ministries to enter into a personal encounter with Jesus through the Lenten Season. Many of our youth and young adults struggle to understand the importance of this season, so it is our responsibility to learn and teach them about Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, and the Holy Tridium (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter).
We invite Youth and Young Adult Leaders, Parents, Catechist Teachers, Priests, Religious and Coordinators of groups to contribute ideas and methods of promoting, educating, and guiding youth and young adults through the season. Send us an e-mail to DEFENDERSOFTHEHOLYTRINITY@GMAIL.COM with name, telephone number, address, and e-mail.
We hope that this section would slowly break the confusion or the lack of devotion to this most important season. Spread the word!
New Reflections for Lent
- Jesus, Be My Lord & Savior: Reflections on the Imitation of Christ
New Talk & Video For Lent
- Father, I Put My Life In Your Hands For Youth & Young Adults - By Fr. Joseph Espaillat
Articles On Ash Wednesday & Lent En Español
- El Camino Polvoriento al Cielo Para Joven Adultos - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT
- Hoy Ayunamos, Nos Abstenemos, y Damos Para Joven Adultos - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT
Articles On Ash Wednesday
- Now Don't Forget Your Ashes: For Youth - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT
- The Dusty Road To Heaven For Young Adults - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT
- Today We Fast, We Abstain, We Give: For Young Adults - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT
- Don't Shrug Your Shoulders - Get Ready for Lent For Young Adults - By George Velez - Friend of DHT
Articles On Lent
- Let's Get Personal With Jesus: Religion vs Personal Relationship By Juan Rodriguez of DHT
Articles On the Holy Tridium
- Three Crosses On Golgatha For Young Adults - By George Velez - Friend of DHT
- Crosses, Crucifixes, Risen Christs - OH MY! For Young Adults - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT
Prayers For Lent and Easter
- Stations of the Cross - Provided by http://www.ourcatholicprayers.com/
- Prayers Before the Cross
- The Three O'Clock Prayer
- Other Prayers for Lent & Easter
- Divine Mercy
DHT Forum for the Season of Lent
- Coming Soon!
Tuesday, February 01, 2011
Taking Back Valentine's Day

DHT dedicates this section to the real feast of St. Valentine, where Catholic youth & young adult leaders can help educate their groups, classes, and parishes about the importance of this feast day. Let's celebrate the true meaning of love, the way Jesus wanted it.
John of DHT - Feast day of the Baptism of the Lord (Jan 2007)
Topics on St. Valentine
- For Love of His Lord: The Story of St. Valentine - By Juan Rodriguez DHT
- Por Amor a su Señor: La Historia de San Valentin - Por Juan Rodriguez y Trad. por Bertha Peralta-Rodriguez
Topics on Relationships and Marriage
- Dating Leads To Marriage - By George Velez
- Don't Settle For Anything Less Then Real Love - Grace Abruzzo (Love For Life Inc.)
- Single Ministry Is Vocation Formation - By Dave Sloan (God of Desire Ministries)
- Twelve Principles of Dating & Courtship - By Dave Sloan (God of Desire Ministries)
- Marriage - By Sebastian Fama (Stay Catholic.com)
- The Permanence of Matrimony - Catholic Answers
Links To Catholic Dating, and Marriage Sites
- Catholic Sites in New York and Abroad
- Catholics & Dating
- The Sacrament of Marriage