Waiting for the Moment - Advent to Christmas

You'll find here articles, reflections and teachings on the Mystery of the Birth of Jesus and its connection to our Spiritual Life. If this is your first time entering into Advent then may this adventure and spiritual growth live in your heart for ever. If you've been through Advent and Christmas so many times and feel that you've lost the meaning of the Season - WE INVITE YOU TO WALK WITH US in preparation for His Birth and lets walk with the Church as though we were actually there - sitting with Mary, Joseph, the shepherds and all the Angels.
So bring out your old Christmas Trees, your flashing lights and beautiful decorations, your manger scenes, your wreath, and advent candles - we're going to prepare for His Coming.
- What Happened to Advent in Our Youth & Young Adult Groups? By Juan Rodriguez
- ¿Que Pasó con el Adviento en Nuestros Grupos de Jovenes? Por Juan Rodriguez
Other Articles from our Friends
Topics on Christmas
- What Christmas Is All About: Inspired by the song "The Christmas Shoes" produced by the Christian music group "New Song". Short Story by Juan Rodriguez
Other Articles from our Friends
- A Christmas Story - By Peter McFaden: Love & Responsibiity Foundation
Some Cool Ideas for Catholic Youth and Young Adult Groups
Retreats, Talks and Reflections on Advent & Christmas by DHT
Prayers for Advent and Christmas
- Advent Prayers: OurCatholicPrayers.com
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