Welcome To D.H.T.’s Forum
We wanted to offer you another form of aid with your Youth Apostolates and ministries,
so we have decided to open up this forum where you can feel free to ask questions that you may have received or have been pondering.
This forum will be a bit more ‘narrow’ in it’s approach and will only focus on questions pertaining to Apologetics, Catechesis and evangelization.
So, please, feel free to post up a question and one of us here at D.H.T. will be sure to respond.
How To Post Up:
To post up a question press the "COMMENT" highlighted and underlined below. A member of DHT will post the question up on this forum with an answer. Use the comment section if you wish to reply back.
We have the right to remove your comments if they are offensive.
The Sacraments
- Sacrament of Baptism
1. What are the requirements for becoming a godparent in the Church
- Sacrament of Holy Communion
1. What are the requirements to receiving the bread and wine during the Mass?
- Sacrament of Confirmation
1. What are the requirements for becoming a godparent in the Church
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
- Sacrament of Marriage
1. Can a non catholic get married in a catholic church?
- Sacrament of Holy Orders
The Church
The Saints
The Ten Commandments
The Aposltes & Nicene Creed
Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Pro-Life / Family Life
Prayer Requests

This forum will be a bit more ‘narrow’ in it’s approach and will only focus on questions pertaining to Apologetics, Catechesis and evangelization.
So, please, feel free to post up a question and one of us here at D.H.T. will be sure to respond.
How To Post Up:
To post up a question press the "COMMENT" highlighted and underlined below. A member of DHT will post the question up on this forum with an answer. Use the comment section if you wish to reply back.
We have the right to remove your comments if they are offensive.
The Sacraments
- Sacrament of Baptism
1. What are the requirements for becoming a godparent in the Church
- Sacrament of Holy Communion
1. What are the requirements to receiving the bread and wine during the Mass?
- Sacrament of Confirmation
1. What are the requirements for becoming a godparent in the Church
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
- Sacrament of Marriage
1. Can a non catholic get married in a catholic church?
- Sacrament of Holy Orders
The Church
The Saints
The Ten Commandments
The Aposltes & Nicene Creed
Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Pro-Life / Family Life
Prayer Requests
How can I know that Christianity is the "true" religion of mankind? and after that, How can it be shown that Catholicism is the 'truest' form of it as opposed to other denominations?
Thank You.
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