Hi there,
My question is this:
What are the requirements to receiving the bread and wine during the Mass? I did my First Holy Communion many years ago, but I haven't been to Church in almost as long. Can I just go up on the communion line? Some says yes and others say no.
Help me please.
First of all, what we receive at Mass is not bread and wine, but the Body and Blood of Christ. Not a symbol, but the true thing! With that said, one of the first requirements that you need is the true desire and belief that it is Christ Himself that you will be receiving at communion. To not believe that the Lord is present in Body and Blood in the Holy Communion is to deny your faith. The second thing is to go to confession and make sure that you get your soul ready to receive Christ, for in order for you to truly enjoy and benefit from the tons of graces that Christ wants to give you, you have to make sure that there is nothing that is in the way of you and Him, hence why is the Sacrament of Penance (Confession) so important. And third, you have to fast for one hour BEFORE you receive Holy Communion, (e.g. if Mass is at 10am, you should begin the Eucharistic fast about 9:15-9:30am).
If you have additional questions, always ask! You can write to us, or ask the pastor of your parish to help you as well. Also, check our articles section to get more information on the subject.
God bless,
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