Tapes & Cd's

Theology On Tap Tapes
- Was Forrest Gump At The Last Supper? Questions and Answers to the Da Vinci Code: By Fr. Dan O'Reilly Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Catholic Romance: By Peter & Anna McFadden Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Lent & The Three Demandments: By Fr. Dan O’Reilly Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Inside the Confessional: Fr. Stan Fortuna C.F.R. Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- What Does The Eucharist Mean To a Modern Person? Fr. Benedict Groeschel C.F.R. Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Relational Intimacy of Prayer: By Sr. Marie Pappas Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- The Catholic Politician – The Catholic Voter: By Rev. George Rutler Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Christ In The Hood: By Michael Grogan Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- God of Desire – The Act of Catholic Dating: By Dave Sloan Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- The Sex Talk You Never Got In Catholic School: By Grace Abruzzo Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- From Buddha To Christ: By Henry Artis Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Top 5 reasons Why People Leave The Cattholic Church: David C. Wilder Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- EveryBody's Doing It! Why Can't I live with My Significant Other Before Marriage?: Fr. Greg Marky Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Human Yearning, Human Perversity: Nona Aquilar Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Panel Discussion: "The Meaning and Impact of "The Passion" Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- “Spiritual Discernment: Finding Your Way In The World” - By Fr. Glenn Sudano CFR Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- C.S. Lewis: A Crypto-Catholic and the Company He Keeps" by Dr. James Como Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- The Catholic Faith for Modern Pagans: The Do's and Don't of Evangelizing Secular Culture - By Angelo Matera Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
DHT Round Table Discussion Tapes (English & Spanish)
- Let’s Teach Them Before It’s Too Late – Teaching Chastity and Abstinence In Youth & Young Adult Ministry: By Grace Abruzzo Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- To Jesus, Through Mary: The Life and Legacy of St. Max Kobe By Paul Vastola – Knights of the Immaculata Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Models of New York: The Saints Alive! By Br. Michael Perez Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Feed My Lambs: A Plan For Catechesis for Youth & Young Adult Ministry By George Velez: Member of DHT Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- The Soul of Mary: Marian Spirituality for Successful Youth Ministry & Catechesis By Michael Grogan: Dir. Of Our Lady of the Streets Ministry Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Maria, Madre de Dios: Por Alvin Pena: Dir. De Nueva Alianza Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- La Verdadera Conversion Empieza con el Amor Deacon Luis Feliz: Pastoral Juvenil Norte Man Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Viviendo la Resureccion Por Alvin Pena: Dir. De Nueva Alianza Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Usando Medios de Comunicacion para Lleva el Evangelio By Fernando Sosa: Manager of Youth 4 JC Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
Cathoic For A Reason Tapes (English & Spanish)
- Catholic For A Reason I (Double Cassette) $8
- Catholic For A Reason II (Double Cassette) $8
- Porque Soy Catolico (Double Cassette) $8
- Catholic For A Reason: "From Attacker, To Defender" - Testimony of Nelson Feria $3
- Catholic For A Reason: "A Call To Change: From Actress to Evangelizer" - Testimony of Kelly Gleeson $3
- Catholic For A Reason: "From Mohamed To Christ" - Testimony of Ned Jabbar $3
- Catholic For A Reason: "Call to Serve: Priestly Vocation" - Testimony of Fr. Richar J. Beuther $3
- Porque Soy Catolico: "Del Odio al Amor para la Iglesia" - Testimonio de Nelson Feria $3
- Porque Soy Catolico: "Escogido Para Ser la Luz" - Testimonio de Nelson Leclerc $3
- Porque Soy Catolico: "De la Oscuridad a la Luz" - Testimonio de Henderson Castillo $3
- Porque Soy Catolico: "Somos Hermanos: La Vocacion de un Diacono" Testimonio de Diacono Nelson Duran $3
Love For Life Tapes
- God of Desire: From Dating to Courtship to Paradise - By Dave Sloan Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- What Women Want & Why They Don’t Get It – Grace Abruzzo Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
Jews And The Church – Conference
- The Election of the Jew - By Roy Schoeman Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- The Jews and the Second Coming - By Roy Schoeman Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- The Old Covenant: The New Covenant - By Rev. Joseph Koterski S.J. Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- The Mystery and Theology of Suffering - By Rev. Joseph Koterski S.J. Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Recognizing Our Messiah: New Joy & Suffering - By Ronda Chervin Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Jewish Gifts Transfiguration in Christ - By Ronda Chervin Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Israel’s True Identity & Vocation - By Mark Drogin Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Jewish Identity: The Irrevocable Calling - By David Moss Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Panel Discussion From Hostility to Love: The Joy of Recognizing the Messiah - Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- Panel Discussion - Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
- FOR THE SET “JEWS AND THE CHURCH” Tapes $60 / Cd's $80 (Includes Shipping)
Family Life/Respect Life Office of the Archdiocese of New York
- La Belleza de la Sexualidad: Introduccion a la Planification Natural de la Familia y La Manera Corecta, El Metedo "Billings" - Por Adriana James y Sr y Sra Rodriguez - Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
Cathedral of St. Patrick's Young Adult Lectures
- Is It Permissible To Cooperate With Evil? Fr. Joseph Koterski S.J. - Tapes $6 / Cd's $8
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Send Check or Money Order to:
Defenders of the Holy Trinity – St. Mary’s Church – 28 Attorney St. New York, NY 10002
Add $1 for each tape to be mailed
Defenders of the Holy Trinity – St. Mary’s Church – 28 Attorney St. New York, NY 10002
Add $1 for each tape to be mailed
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