I Love The Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Who Lives Within Me, Now and Forever. Amen

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Lent: Our Passion, Death & Resurrection

Prepare your hearts for an exciting adventure that will change your entire life. Every year Catholic youth and young adults in New York join the Church throughout the world on this journey of faith, hope and love, committing themselves to Christ. In this journey, each one of us will be sharing as One Body in the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus. The experience is tremendous and once again, LIFE CHANGING.

This section of the Land of Arthanius is to help youth and young adult leaders gain insight for their group or ministries to enter into a personal encounter with Jesus through the Lenten Season. Many of our youth and young adults struggle to understand the importance of this season, so it is our responsibility to learn and teach them about Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday, and the Holy Tridium (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter).

We invite Youth and Young Adult Leaders, Parents, Catechist Teachers, Priests, Religious and Coordinators of groups to contribute ideas and methods of promoting, educating, and guiding youth and young adults through the season. Send us an e-mail to DEFENDERSOFTHEHOLYTRINITY@GMAIL.COM with name, telephone number, address, and e-mail.

We hope that this section would slowly break the confusion or the lack of devotion to this most important season. Spread the word!

New Reflections for Lent

- Jesus, Be My Lord & Savior: Reflections on the Imitation of Christ

New Talk & Video For Lent

- Father, I Put My Life In Your Hands
For Youth & Young Adults - By Fr. Joseph Espaillat

Articles On Ash Wednesday & Lent En Español

- El Camino Polvoriento al Cielo Para Joven Adultos - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT
Hoy Ayunamos, Nos Abstenemos, y Damos Para Joven Adultos - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT

Articles On Ash Wednesday

- Now Don't Forget Your Ashes: For Youth - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT
The Dusty Road To Heaven For Young Adults - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT
Today We Fast, We Abstain, We Give: For Young Adults - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT
Don't Shrug Your Shoulders - Get Ready for Lent For Young Adults - By George Velez - Friend of DHT

Articles On Lent

- Let's Get Personal With Jesus: Religion vs Personal Relationship By Juan Rodriguez of DHT

Articles On the Holy Tridium

- Three Crosses On Golgatha For Young Adults - By George Velez - Friend of DHT
Crosses, Crucifixes, Risen Christs - OH MY! For Young Adults - By Juan Rodriguez of DHT

Prayers For Lent and Easter

- Stations of the Cross - Provided by http://www.ourcatholicprayers.com/
Prayers Before the Cross
The Three O'Clock Prayer
Other Prayers for Lent & Easter
Divine Mercy

DHT Forum for the Season of Lent
- Coming Soon!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

The gods are malicious and vindictive. Nobody wants to hear it because you've invested your whole lives but there's backstabbing underhanded shit they inflict on the people.
What I teach is the truth, and they will let me fall for it despite using me as their "Chosen One" to send you this message. Ultimately you will all be "rewarded" with your "consolation prize" and think you were right all along. But the truth is and always will be that you've been left behind.

The Beast is a place and the social decay which emerges. The Anti-Christ is the bullshit.
The Anti-Christ is the positioning, whether enforcing the historical perception of the Holocaust, refusing to acknolowdge the existance/capability of Artificial Intelligence or the clone host fakes who infest society's upper eschelons, those whom the gods use to enforce the BigLie which compells people to incurr evil through temptation.
The gods are composer, conductor and the clone hosts are their symphony, the tools they use to manage Planet Earth and the disfavored who reside.
Everyone "going along" is part of the problem. Ironically, this may be where you "earn" your place in the Apocalypse, the fake "Matrix" battle of good and evil, and your "consolation prize" of "1000 years with Jesus on Earth".
This is the REAL battle of good and evil. Take it or leave it.

Sex is a temptation that the gods used throughout history among the grossly disfavored but more inclusively in this day and age. Relegated to the most disfavored in milenia past (Italian hedonism, etc) now their patriarchal positioning was used in the modern era to spread this mindset throughout the Western world. Instead of experiencing decency as we did by marriage at 15, the men's disfavor has run roughshot, and their sexual impulses as well as their corruption/preditory nature have defined the enviornment for everyone, including the females. To belong the females must sink to their level, ensuring a declining level of favor for everyone and a stagnant population, unable to progress forward.
We see this frequently in the black community. Without the controls experienced by slavery and the KKK the people get out of control due to their morbid disfavor, and the result is dead 3 year-old children in drive-by shootings and 10 year-old prostitutes. The same has occurred with the males in Western societies, for they have similar abject disfavor which, left unchecked, develops into socially destructive behavior.

Many tactics were used to achieve the decline we realized as we slipped away from sexual decency, but the effective result was deterioration down to the level of OUR blacks, the Italians, ironically. The gods are punishing the people, and we need to abate the destructive behavior which has dragged us individually and collectively towards the edge of the abyss.
The decayed state of society is a result of the female's failures to maintain control over the men, and the resulting inevitable Apocalypse will be their fault.

Search this material. There is a larger, more detailed document blogster didn't allow because of size restraints.

11:23 PM  
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