We Need His Strength

Para 1 – “’No one who follows Me will ever walk in darkness’ (Jn 8:12). These words of our Lord counsel all to walk in His footsteps. If you want to see clearly and avoid blindness of heart, it is His virtues you must imitate. Make it your aim to meditate on the life of Jesus Christ.”
Chapter 1 - Imitation of Christ: By Thomas A Kempis
All of us are called to walk in His footsteps – no one who is a Christian, whether young or old, is exempt from living for Christ and being Christ in his or her own world. This is why Thomas Kempis teaches us that in order to avoid spiritual blindness, that which comes from our heart, the sins we make excuses for or the sins we are about to make, we need to look to Christ who will help us to avoid the temptation, the test of making the wrong decision over the right. Blessed Thomas reflects with us, using the words of our Savior, that you and I will never walk in darkness if we have Him in our Life. The word Blessed Thomas uses is “Virtue” – which means in the Greek, “Strength”. We need His Strength, His Example, His Experience, and His Love - to Imitate Him. This shouldn’t be confused with acts, like that of an actor, but that we personally take Him seriously – His words, His acts, His way of living for His Father, and the way He treats others. If we say we belong to Jesus, we love Jesus, we adore Jesus, we worship Jesus, we surrender to Jesus – then do as Mary said “Do what ever He tells you.” Jn 2:5
What Virtue is Blessed Thomas talking about? First, there are two categories of virtues. 1st Moral Virtues; these are virtues that we develop through our efforts of doing good with the grace of God. These Virtues are Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance – they are also called Cardinal Virtues. 2nd Theological Virtues; these are gifts given to us by God through the sacraments. They help us to live and have desire for God as our True Father, that we may live out our days with the hopes of being with Him in Eternal Life – the Resurrection promised to us by Jesus His Son, and Our Lord. These Virtues are Faith, Hope and Charity (Love in Action). See (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1803-1832)
So let’s try to live out His virtues and not make excuses for abandoning His life for worthless gain that can only lead to pain and suffering. Christ be our Light!
Check out - His Strength is Perfect – By Steven Curtis Chapman
All of us are called to walk in His footsteps – no one who is a Christian, whether young or old, is exempt from living for Christ and being Christ in his or her own world. This is why Thomas Kempis teaches us that in order to avoid spiritual blindness, that which comes from our heart, the sins we make excuses for or the sins we are about to make, we need to look to Christ who will help us to avoid the temptation, the test of making the wrong decision over the right. Blessed Thomas reflects with us, using the words of our Savior, that you and I will never walk in darkness if we have Him in our Life. The word Blessed Thomas uses is “Virtue” – which means in the Greek, “Strength”. We need His Strength, His Example, His Experience, and His Love - to Imitate Him. This shouldn’t be confused with acts, like that of an actor, but that we personally take Him seriously – His words, His acts, His way of living for His Father, and the way He treats others. If we say we belong to Jesus, we love Jesus, we adore Jesus, we worship Jesus, we surrender to Jesus – then do as Mary said “Do what ever He tells you.” Jn 2:5
What Virtue is Blessed Thomas talking about? First, there are two categories of virtues. 1st Moral Virtues; these are virtues that we develop through our efforts of doing good with the grace of God. These Virtues are Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance – they are also called Cardinal Virtues. 2nd Theological Virtues; these are gifts given to us by God through the sacraments. They help us to live and have desire for God as our True Father, that we may live out our days with the hopes of being with Him in Eternal Life – the Resurrection promised to us by Jesus His Son, and Our Lord. These Virtues are Faith, Hope and Charity (Love in Action). See (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1803-1832)
So let’s try to live out His virtues and not make excuses for abandoning His life for worthless gain that can only lead to pain and suffering. Christ be our Light!
Check out - His Strength is Perfect – By Steven Curtis Chapman
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