I Love The Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Who Lives Within Me, Now and Forever. Amen

Monday, December 01, 2008

To The Ends of the Earth

Close Encounters with the Gospel (CCC 74-76)

I – What does God want of me?

1. God wants “everyone to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth” 1 Timothy 2:4

a. What is the Truth? Can it be a person? Of course – but before we go into the word TRUTH, let’s look at the word TRUE. True is defined as being faithful or loyal, it is defined also as being in accordance with fact and not false. A conforming standard. It is rightful or lawful; it is real or genuine.

b. Both Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church give testimony that Jesus is the Truth. So the truth is not just a word, it is a Person – the Second Person of the Trinity. When we compare the word TRUE with Jesus, we will find in our experience with Him that He is faithful and loyal, greater than any best friend we could ever have. We can also know that Jesus Christ existed by studying history, reading the lives of the Saints and their writings, and other Christian writers. From our personal encounter with Christ we can know that He will not lead us away from God, nor lie about who God is for us. Christ is that Standard, which you and I wish to conform to, because He will lead us to Salvation. He is the right way and the only way to follow and He is lawful – He will not lead us to go against the commands of His Father, or the laws of our society (We are speaking of man made laws that are Just). Lastly, He was a real person, a human being and at the same time God before us all. He was down to earth and holy, with power to set you on a course to Heaven. He truly was and is “God with us”.

c. We as Christians believe that Christ is the Truth – This shouldn’t be foreign to us or strange to believe. Christ Himself said it best, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” John 14:6

d. Our Father in heaven revealed to us His Son as the Truth. He is the one who will lead us back home – back to Our Father’s House. Through Christ and by His works we come to the Father. My desire to know Jesus will bring for me personal salvation and the salvation of others – my family, my loved ones, my friends, my neighbors, even my enemies. (Acts 16:25-34)

e. Knowing Jesus will then set you free!

2. Your close encounter with Christ is Good News!

a. Wouldn’t it be exciting to meet someone famous: An actor, singer, a band, an artist, or a president – anyone. Maybe even a Pope). We know that if you met someone that important you’ll go and tell everyone.

b. Our encounter with Christ is greater and far better then any encounter you’ll have with a person, because this encounter is both “intimate and vital” (GS 19 # 1) for our Salvation. This encounter is definitely Good News; it should be exciting - so much so that you’ll find it hard to contain yourself – like a man or a woman meeting the possible love of their life, or when you received news that fulfills your vocation. You just have to tell somebody, you have to tell your story. Giving your testimony is key to proclaiming the Good News.

c. Telling the Good News to all the Nations: Remember that our Lord commanded His friends, the Apostles, to go “and make disciples of all nations (Gospel of St. Matthew 28:19; Gospel of St. Mark 16:15)”. In a special way, our Lord commands us to do the same; as lay members of the Church No matter where He calls you, you have to make a decision and there’s a world in need of the Good News. Could He be calling you to go outside of New York, or could He be calling you right here? You have to make a decision! The longer you put Him off, the more people are going to miss Him.

For me – “All the Nations” means my parish, the Church in New York or any other Archdiocese or Diocese I belong too, my neighborhood, my family, the parks, schools or places where friends and strangers spend there time. The Gospel has to penetrate our society, it takes you and me to bring it.

d. Spreading the Gospel to individuals: This could be your friends, your loved ones, Mom and Pops, brother and sister, your child, your neighbor, a stranger, even your enemy.

Note: When it comes to going out of your parish life, out of state you live in, or even to another country, allow God to call you to serve outside of your comfort zone. Also, listen to God when He invites you to spread the Gospel by using technology (blogs for example), writing a book, music and much more - let your mind run wild in doing God’s will.

3. In one of the documents of the Second Vatican Council called, “Dei Verbum – Dogmatic Constitution On Divine Revelation”, it states:

“God graciously arranged that the things he had once revealed for the salvation of all peoples should remain in their entirety, throughout the ages, and be transmitted to all generations” (Dei Verbum 7)

a. What God has revealed for our salvation is none other then His Son, Jesus. He is the reason my world has changed and by my testimony, my children and all that I encounter, will be changed by the Gospel message and they will continue to pass the message for many ages to come.

b. So let your YES be your confirmation to serve God, just like your AMEN (2 Corinthians 1:20). When a person turns to the Lord, the lies, the shadows, or falsehood is revealed – The Truth is what stands out and at the same time changes a person – the Truth being Christ (2 Corinthians 3:16). God’s glory is revealed through the face of Jesus (2 Corinthians 4:6) With this in mind – think of His face revealed through you, with you and in you! Is it possible for a person to have that close Encounter with Christ through you? Yes!

II – Passing the Torch: Our call to be disciples of the Apostles (CCC 75)

1. What is an Apostle? In order for us to know how to be their disciples, we must know their calling.

a. They were the original twelve chosen by Christ to be His closest friends, giving them His authority, so that they would bring the Good News to all nations. They were the ones to build up Christ’s Church.

b. Just like the Apostles were disciples of Jesus, we are disciples of the Lord. A disciple is one “who accepted Jesus’ message” and follows Him. He or she takes this message seriously, and like the Apostles, a disciple carries the Good News to the ends of the Earth.
2. As friends of Jesus:

a. They believed that Christ is the summa (the summary) of God’s revelation for the salvation of all.
b. The Apostles themselves knew about the prophesies of old, but they had to experience the coming of Christ, His teaching, and His Acts in order for them to go out to proclaim the Gospel. Christ Himself fulfilled the promises of the Prophets, He said “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.” (Gospel of St. Matthew 5:17)

c. The mission of the Apostles was to BE the Gospel message, so that all who met them on their search for the Truth may see Christ in them – our desire is to have this personal encounter with Christ, and the same for our neighbor.

III – Which came first, “the preaching” or “the writing”? (CCC 76)

1. When it comes to the “preaching” or the “writing” of the Gospel, you’d be surprised about what many Catholics think came first. If you asked your ordinary Sunday Catholic who is not involved or may be involved, you’ll probably get the puzzled look or the “I don’t know” look. Sometimes the answer would be “the bible came first”, a problem that comes from those who do not want to learn about the Christian faith through the Catholic church, but would rather hear from those of Christian denominations who believe wholeheartedly that the bible came first.

2. Here is how the Apostles followed Christ’s command to proclaim the Gospel... They did it in two ways:

a. Orally – Like Jesus, the Apostles proclaimed the Gospel by word of mouth, by their actions, and establishing churches in many countries. The Apostles taught what Jesus had told them, and what Jesus did in front of them. It was possible for them to forget what Jesus said, and in some cases not know, but the Apostles were told that the Holy Spirit would reveal it to them. Jesus promised them, “The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name – he will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.” (Gospel of St. John 14:26; Acts of the Apostles 15:1-21)

b. Written – The Gospels were later written by the Apostles or by their Disciples, who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to share their experience of salvation through their writing.


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