I Love The Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Who Lives Within Me, Now and Forever. Amen

Monday, December 01, 2008

It takes two to Spiritually Tango

Why we need Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture.

How many of us know how to dance?

What do you remember of the person you’ve danced with?

Two people, made differently, can become one, working together and communicating a visible connection. The same can be said of Tradition and Scripture; both communicate a message of salvation in Jesus Christ. Both being different yet complement each other perfectly as in a Sacred Dance. Is it possible to enter into this Spiritual Tango?

I – The Sacred Dance Begins – Tradition and Scripture (CCC 80)

1. What does the word “Sacred” mean?

a. It comes from the Latin word “Sacrare” which means “to set apart” or to be “consecrated”.

b. A better way of putting it: To make Holy or Divine or shall we say to make a person, an object, or a place holy. To set apart.

c. The reason why something is made Holy is because God is Sacred. What comes from Him, whether it be created by His own hands or inspired by Him, is Holy.

2. The document “Dei Verbum” (Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation), states that:

Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together, and communicate one with the other. For both of them, flowing out from the same divine well-spring, come together in some fashion to form one thing, and move towards the same goal. (DV 9)

a. Communication is important. Why? Because it is the experience of the Apostles who were inspired to write their story – an encounter with Jesus that would continue to change their lives. As the Apostles shared their experiences it attracted new Christians to carry the Gospel message. These Christians would be the successors of the Apostles, forming others to carry the message. Jesus would be the source, the “divine well-spring” for Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition

b. Why then do we need Tradition and Scripture? God is the “divine well-spring” who continues to call us to Himself. We need both Tradition and Scripture to guide us towards God. These two gifts help us to understand the teachings of Christ, the teachings of the Apostles, our Christian celebrations (The Mass, Sacraments, and devotions), and the practice of our faith.

c. You and I enter into this Sacred Dance between Tradition and Scripture. How? Every time we enter into a Church, study its teachings, enter into its devotions, its liturgical season and so much more. God is inviting us daily to enter into His life by way of Jesus Christ, and by His Church.

3. Tradition and the Bible show us that Christ is truly present in His Church - As an institution, in her prayer life, in her sacramental life, and in her people. Tradition and Scripture remind us that Christ will be with us “always to the close of the age.” (Matt 28:20)


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