Invite DHT for a Talk
Want us to visit your group, or ministry?
Here is a listing of talks we can give for your group or ministry. Talks can be done in Spanish!
- Jesus, Be My Lord & Savior: 3 Day, 1 Day, or 30 to 45 Min talk (3 Parts: 1. Be At The Feet of Your Master, 2. Develop the Attitude of the Your Master, 3. Become the Master)
- What’s My Mass Confusion? Basic Explanation on the Mass ( 5 Weeks)
- Faith Bound By Mystery: The Sacraments Alive! (4 Weeks)
- The Fantastic Four: The Church is One, Holy, Catholic, & Apostolic (1 day or 4
- Who's Afraid of Confession (1 day)
- Herald’s of the Gospel Series: A Plan For Forming Leadership and Ministry
(Contact us for more info – this talk is special for leaders and ministries in
developing a vocation and mission within parishes)
- Talks on the Eucharist – W/ Video “This is My Body…, This is My Blood” (In
Spanish and English)
- El Senor Bendicea Su Pueblo Con La Paz
- Living “PURE”. It’s not a bad four letter word: A Reflection on the Eucharist & the Christian Youth
- How Great Is Your Love
- Blest Are The Single Hearts for they shall see God. (Mt 5:8)
- Renewed In His Flesh: The Eucharist Transforms Us
- So, What Are Your Thirty Pieces? (Lent Reflection)
- Grace From His Altar: The Eucharist Binds the Christian to Jesus
Bilingual Series - English and Spanish
1) Su Nombre esta Reinando Supremamente – La Fiesta de Cristo Rey = His Name Reigns Supreme – The Feast Day of Christ the King
Advent & Christmas Talks - Waiting for the Moment Series
1) Esperando el Momento – Preparando nuestros corazones para Jesús = Waiting for the Moment – Preparing our hearts for Jesus
2) ¿Quien dijo Que Ella no es Perfecta? – Celebrando la Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción = Who Say’s She Ain’t Perfect – Celebrating the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception
3) Nuestro Encuentro con María – Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe – Our Encounter With Mary – Our Lady of Guadelupe
4) Su Nacimiento Cambio Nuestro Mundo – Entendiendo la Navidad = His Birth Changed Our World – Understanding Christmas
Vive Tu Fe Catolico - Live Your Catholic Faith
1) Es Nuestra Iglesia: El Catolicismo - La Iglesia Original = It's Our Church: Catholicism - The Original Church Universal
2) Vivela - Soy Catolico y Orgulloso de Ello!= Live It Up - I'm Catholic and Proud of Itl
Lent and Holy Week - Cuaresma y Semana Santa
1) El Camino Polvoriento al Cielo: Miercoles de Ceniza = The Dusty Road to Heaven: Ash Wednesday
2) Por Amor a Su Senor: La Historia de San Valentin = For Love of His Lord: The History of St. Valentine
3) Hoy Ayunamos, Nos Abstenemos, Damos: Como Lo Hacemos en la Cuaresma = Today we Fast, We Abstain, We Give: How WE DO IT for Lent
4) Vamos a Ponernos Personal con Jesus - Como Vivimos Nuestra Religion Catolica = Let’s Get Personal with Jesus – How we live our Catholic Religion
5) Caminando en la Presencia – Como Entramos en la Pasion y Muerte de Jesus
Walking in the Presence – How We enter into the Passion & Death of Jesus.
El Senor Recucito - The Lord is Risen
1) El Conquisto a la Muerte, y Tu Tambien! Como Vivimos la Resurreccion del Senor
He conquered Death, and so can you! How we live the Resurrection of the Lord
2) El es en Verdad Señor del Cielo y de la Tierra. - He Is Truly Lord of Heaven & Earth
Christ Our Hope - Cristo Nuestra Esperanza
1) El Vino a Traer Esperanza a las Naciones = He Came To Bring Hope to the Nations
2) Senales y Maravillas: El Milagro de la Esperanza – Como Respondemos? = Sign & Wonders: Miracle of Hope – How do we respond?
3) Necesitamos Unidad – Ahora mas que Nunca = We Need Unity – Now, more then ever.
4) Soy Yo quien te Llamo! Mi Vocacion a Jesus = It Is I Who Calls You! My Vocation to Jesus
5)En el Nombre de Jesus, LEVANTATE! = In The Name of Jesus, RISE!
6) Ya es Tiempo de Ser los Santos de Hoy! = It’s Time to be the Saints of Today!
7) Deja que la Esperanza Sane tus Heridas – La Oracion del Papa en la Zona Zero = Let Hope Heal Your Wounds – The Pope’s Prayer at Ground Zero
8) El es el Camino, la Verdad, y la Vida – Confia en el Senor de Esperanza = He is the Way, The Truth, and the Life – Trust in the Lord of Hope
Mi Profesion de Fe - Week Course On the Catechism of the Catholic Church in Spanish!
1 - ¿Que es el Catolicismo? La Iglesia Universal Original
2 - ¿Que es el Catolicismo? Viviendo Mi Fe En Jesus
3 - El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica
4 - ¿Crees? – Introducción al Credo de los Apóstoles
5 - Aprender mas sobre la Santísima Trinidad: El Misterio y las Definiciones
6 - El es verdaderamente tu Padre – Dios Nuestro Padre
7 - Jesus – El Señor de tu vida
8 - El Espiritu Santo – El mueve la Iglesia, El habla a tráves de nosotros, El es nuestra guía.
9 - La Fe Unida por el Misterio - Los Sacramentos en nuestras vidas
10 - Se Necesitan Siete para mantenernos Unidos - Los Sacramentos
11- Bautismo - el Primer Sacramento de Iniciación Cristiana
12- Entendiendo el Sacramento de Confirmación
13 - El Pan de Vida... La Copa de Salvación - La Eucaristía
14 - Introducción a la Penitencia - El Sacramento de Reconciliación
15 - Entendiendo el Propósito de la Unción de los Enfermos
16 - "Hagan esto en memoria Mía". Jesús Llama a los Pastores
17 - Los Dos se Convierten en "Uno" - El Matrimonio en los Ojos de Dios.
18 - “¿Cual es mi Confusión sobre la Misa?” Estamos en una Misión – La Introducción a la Misa
19 - “¿Cual es mi Confusión sobre la Misa?” Preparando Tu Corazón para Conocer a Jesús – El Rito de Introducción
20 - “¿Cual es mi Confusión sobre la Misa?” Mis Corderos Escuchan Mi Voz – Liturgia de la Palabra
21 - “¿Cual es mi Confusión sobre la Misa?” Este es Mi Cuerpo… Esta es Mi Sangre – Liturgia de la Eucaristía
22 - “¿Cual es mi Confusión sobre la Misa?” Tu Misión Empieza – Rito de Conclusión
- Jesus, Be My Lord & Savior: 3 Day, 1 Day, or 30 to 45 Min talk (3 Parts: 1. Be At The Feet of Your Master, 2. Develop the Attitude of the Your Master, 3. Become the Master)
- What’s My Mass Confusion? Basic Explanation on the Mass ( 5 Weeks)
- Faith Bound By Mystery: The Sacraments Alive! (4 Weeks)
- The Fantastic Four: The Church is One, Holy, Catholic, & Apostolic (1 day or 4
- Who's Afraid of Confession (1 day)
- Herald’s of the Gospel Series: A Plan For Forming Leadership and Ministry
(Contact us for more info – this talk is special for leaders and ministries in
developing a vocation and mission within parishes)
- Talks on the Eucharist – W/ Video “This is My Body…, This is My Blood” (In
Spanish and English)
- El Senor Bendicea Su Pueblo Con La Paz
- Living “PURE”. It’s not a bad four letter word: A Reflection on the Eucharist & the Christian Youth
- How Great Is Your Love
- Blest Are The Single Hearts for they shall see God. (Mt 5:8)
- Renewed In His Flesh: The Eucharist Transforms Us
- So, What Are Your Thirty Pieces? (Lent Reflection)
- Grace From His Altar: The Eucharist Binds the Christian to Jesus
- We're On A Mission (7 talks on Youth and Young Adult Mission work in parishes)
Topics -
Topics -
1) I Have to Tell You Something - My Incredible Experience with Jesus = Tengo que decirte algo - Mi Increible Experiencia con Jesus.
2) The Time Is Now - The Forming of Future Christian Youth & Young Adult Leaders = Ahora es el tiempo - La Formacion de los Futuros Lideres Cristianos Jovenes y Jovenes Adultos.
2) The Time Is Now - The Forming of Future Christian Youth & Young Adult Leaders = Ahora es el tiempo - La Formacion de los Futuros Lideres Cristianos Jovenes y Jovenes Adultos.
3) There's No Escaping the Gospel - Bringing the Gospel to the Culture. = No Hay Manera de Escapar el Evangelio - Trayendo el Evangelio a la Cultura.
4) Our Fallen - Why Youth & Young Adults Miss Out On Catholic teaching = Nuestros Caidos - Porque los jovenes y jovenes adultos se estan perdiendo las ensenanzas Catolicas.
5) No Wonder They Find It Boring - How To Bring the Gospel Through Media = Con razon se aburren - Como llevar el Evangelio a traves de los medios.
6) Rise Up - Shouting His Name on the Roof Tops = Levantense - Gritando Su Nombre por los techos
7) Caught In His Net - Our Primer Encuentro = Atrapado en Su red - Nuestro Primer Encuentro
4) Our Fallen - Why Youth & Young Adults Miss Out On Catholic teaching = Nuestros Caidos - Porque los jovenes y jovenes adultos se estan perdiendo las ensenanzas Catolicas.
5) No Wonder They Find It Boring - How To Bring the Gospel Through Media = Con razon se aburren - Como llevar el Evangelio a traves de los medios.
6) Rise Up - Shouting His Name on the Roof Tops = Levantense - Gritando Su Nombre por los techos
7) Caught In His Net - Our Primer Encuentro = Atrapado en Su red - Nuestro Primer Encuentro

1. “My Soul Magnifies the Greatness of the Lord” – The Purpose of our group “Magnificat” Luke 1:46 –
2. “Rejoicing In the Spirit of the Lord” Our Salvation – Luke 1:47
3. “Do You Hear His Voice?” Called To Be A Servant of the Lord – Luke 1:48
4. “Being Blessed, WITH STRESS” Called To Holiness – Luke 1:48
5. “It’s All About J.O.Y.” Knowing God is Above You – Luke 1:49
6. “Honoring the Name of the Lord” What’s that all about? – Luke 1:49
7. “Trusting in the Mercy of the Lord” – Luke 1:50
8. “Take My Life” God Raises Up The Lowly – Luke 1:51-52
9. “The Hungry are filled with good things” – Luke 1:53
10. “The Lord Remembers His Promise of Old” Don’t Forget Your Roots – Luke 1:54-55
2. “Rejoicing In the Spirit of the Lord” Our Salvation – Luke 1:47
3. “Do You Hear His Voice?” Called To Be A Servant of the Lord – Luke 1:48
4. “Being Blessed, WITH STRESS” Called To Holiness – Luke 1:48
5. “It’s All About J.O.Y.” Knowing God is Above You – Luke 1:49
6. “Honoring the Name of the Lord” What’s that all about? – Luke 1:49
7. “Trusting in the Mercy of the Lord” – Luke 1:50
8. “Take My Life” God Raises Up The Lowly – Luke 1:51-52
9. “The Hungry are filled with good things” – Luke 1:53
10. “The Lord Remembers His Promise of Old” Don’t Forget Your Roots – Luke 1:54-55

- “What A Rose Could Do For You – Praying the Rosary"
- “Say What You Believe! The Apostle Creed”
- “He Truly Is ‘Our Father’”
- “Even God Praised His Creation, Why Can’t You? – The Hail Mary”
- “Praisin the Trinity In Unity – The Glory be…”
The Mysteries:
“Responding To the Call – The Annunciation”
“Her Visit Will Change You – The Visitation”
“The Moment – The Nativity”
“Mary’s Hand In Your Conversion – The Presentation”
“Being Lost In Your Father’s House – The Finding of Jesus In The Temple”
“The Anointing of a King and the Hope of Redemption – The Baptism in the Jordan”
“It Takes Three To Make a Marriage – The Wedding at Cana”
“You Are The Light of the World – The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God”
“Being Transformed In the Presence of the Lord – The Transfiguration”
“With This Sign, You Shall Conquer – The Institution of the Eucharist
“He Saw His People’s Sin and Made It His Own – The Agony of the Garden”
“By His Suffering You Were Saved – The Scourging of Jesus”
“Instead of Gold, We Gave Him Thorns – The Crowning of Thorns”
“By His Cross, He Has Redeemed You! – The Carrying of the Cross”
“Silence – The Crucifixion”
“There Is Life After Death– The Resurrection”
“He Is Truly Lord of Heaven & Earth – The Ascension”
“He Never Forgets His Promise – The Descent of the Holy Spirit”
“Blessed Are You Among All Women – The Assumption of Mary”
“Sharing In The Crowning of Mary – Coronation of Our Lady”
- “Say What You Believe! The Apostle Creed”
- “He Truly Is ‘Our Father’”
- “Even God Praised His Creation, Why Can’t You? – The Hail Mary”
- “Praisin the Trinity In Unity – The Glory be…”
The Mysteries:
“Responding To the Call – The Annunciation”
“Her Visit Will Change You – The Visitation”
“The Moment – The Nativity”
“Mary’s Hand In Your Conversion – The Presentation”
“Being Lost In Your Father’s House – The Finding of Jesus In The Temple”
“The Anointing of a King and the Hope of Redemption – The Baptism in the Jordan”
“It Takes Three To Make a Marriage – The Wedding at Cana”
“You Are The Light of the World – The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God”
“Being Transformed In the Presence of the Lord – The Transfiguration”
“With This Sign, You Shall Conquer – The Institution of the Eucharist
“He Saw His People’s Sin and Made It His Own – The Agony of the Garden”
“By His Suffering You Were Saved – The Scourging of Jesus”
“Instead of Gold, We Gave Him Thorns – The Crowning of Thorns”
“By His Cross, He Has Redeemed You! – The Carrying of the Cross”
“Silence – The Crucifixion”
“There Is Life After Death– The Resurrection”
“He Is Truly Lord of Heaven & Earth – The Ascension”
“He Never Forgets His Promise – The Descent of the Holy Spirit”
“Blessed Are You Among All Women – The Assumption of Mary”
“Sharing In The Crowning of Mary – Coronation of Our Lady”
- I Want to be Holy (Series on Called to be Holy)
- I Want to be Holy (Series on Called to be Holy)
1) Me, Be a Saint? Nah! – Everything is Possible with Christ
2) Could you imagine what God can do thru you! Saints in Action
3) On Earth as it is in Heaven – The Communion of Saints
4) Hey, who said praying for the dead is bad? – Understanding the Feast of All Souls Day
5) The Original Marvel Super Hero’s – Understanding the Feast Day of All Saints
6) What’s the 411 on Praying to Saints?
7) Taking Back Halloween!
Bilingual Series - English and Spanish
1) Su Nombre esta Reinando Supremamente – La Fiesta de Cristo Rey = His Name Reigns Supreme – The Feast Day of Christ the King
Advent & Christmas Talks - Waiting for the Moment Series
1) Esperando el Momento – Preparando nuestros corazones para Jesús = Waiting for the Moment – Preparing our hearts for Jesus
2) ¿Quien dijo Que Ella no es Perfecta? – Celebrando la Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción = Who Say’s She Ain’t Perfect – Celebrating the Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception
3) Nuestro Encuentro con María – Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe – Our Encounter With Mary – Our Lady of Guadelupe
4) Su Nacimiento Cambio Nuestro Mundo – Entendiendo la Navidad = His Birth Changed Our World – Understanding Christmas
Vive Tu Fe Catolico - Live Your Catholic Faith
1) Es Nuestra Iglesia: El Catolicismo - La Iglesia Original = It's Our Church: Catholicism - The Original Church Universal
2) Vivela - Soy Catolico y Orgulloso de Ello!= Live It Up - I'm Catholic and Proud of Itl
Lent and Holy Week - Cuaresma y Semana Santa
1) El Camino Polvoriento al Cielo: Miercoles de Ceniza = The Dusty Road to Heaven: Ash Wednesday
2) Por Amor a Su Senor: La Historia de San Valentin = For Love of His Lord: The History of St. Valentine
3) Hoy Ayunamos, Nos Abstenemos, Damos: Como Lo Hacemos en la Cuaresma = Today we Fast, We Abstain, We Give: How WE DO IT for Lent
4) Vamos a Ponernos Personal con Jesus - Como Vivimos Nuestra Religion Catolica = Let’s Get Personal with Jesus – How we live our Catholic Religion
5) Caminando en la Presencia – Como Entramos en la Pasion y Muerte de Jesus
Walking in the Presence – How We enter into the Passion & Death of Jesus.
El Senor Recucito - The Lord is Risen
1) El Conquisto a la Muerte, y Tu Tambien! Como Vivimos la Resurreccion del Senor
He conquered Death, and so can you! How we live the Resurrection of the Lord
2) El es en Verdad Señor del Cielo y de la Tierra. - He Is Truly Lord of Heaven & Earth
Christ Our Hope - Cristo Nuestra Esperanza
1) El Vino a Traer Esperanza a las Naciones = He Came To Bring Hope to the Nations
2) Senales y Maravillas: El Milagro de la Esperanza – Como Respondemos? = Sign & Wonders: Miracle of Hope – How do we respond?
3) Necesitamos Unidad – Ahora mas que Nunca = We Need Unity – Now, more then ever.
4) Soy Yo quien te Llamo! Mi Vocacion a Jesus = It Is I Who Calls You! My Vocation to Jesus
5)En el Nombre de Jesus, LEVANTATE! = In The Name of Jesus, RISE!
6) Ya es Tiempo de Ser los Santos de Hoy! = It’s Time to be the Saints of Today!
7) Deja que la Esperanza Sane tus Heridas – La Oracion del Papa en la Zona Zero = Let Hope Heal Your Wounds – The Pope’s Prayer at Ground Zero
8) El es el Camino, la Verdad, y la Vida – Confia en el Senor de Esperanza = He is the Way, The Truth, and the Life – Trust in the Lord of Hope
Mi Profesion de Fe - Week Course On the Catechism of the Catholic Church in Spanish!
1 - ¿Que es el Catolicismo? La Iglesia Universal Original
2 - ¿Que es el Catolicismo? Viviendo Mi Fe En Jesus
3 - El Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica
4 - ¿Crees? – Introducción al Credo de los Apóstoles
5 - Aprender mas sobre la Santísima Trinidad: El Misterio y las Definiciones
6 - El es verdaderamente tu Padre – Dios Nuestro Padre
7 - Jesus – El Señor de tu vida
8 - El Espiritu Santo – El mueve la Iglesia, El habla a tráves de nosotros, El es nuestra guía.
9 - La Fe Unida por el Misterio - Los Sacramentos en nuestras vidas
10 - Se Necesitan Siete para mantenernos Unidos - Los Sacramentos
11- Bautismo - el Primer Sacramento de Iniciación Cristiana
12- Entendiendo el Sacramento de Confirmación
13 - El Pan de Vida... La Copa de Salvación - La Eucaristía
14 - Introducción a la Penitencia - El Sacramento de Reconciliación
15 - Entendiendo el Propósito de la Unción de los Enfermos
16 - "Hagan esto en memoria Mía". Jesús Llama a los Pastores
17 - Los Dos se Convierten en "Uno" - El Matrimonio en los Ojos de Dios.
18 - “¿Cual es mi Confusión sobre la Misa?” Estamos en una Misión – La Introducción a la Misa
19 - “¿Cual es mi Confusión sobre la Misa?” Preparando Tu Corazón para Conocer a Jesús – El Rito de Introducción
20 - “¿Cual es mi Confusión sobre la Misa?” Mis Corderos Escuchan Mi Voz – Liturgia de la Palabra
21 - “¿Cual es mi Confusión sobre la Misa?” Este es Mi Cuerpo… Esta es Mi Sangre – Liturgia de la Eucaristía
22 - “¿Cual es mi Confusión sobre la Misa?” Tu Misión Empieza – Rito de Conclusión
Contact us @
Defenders of the Holy Trinity
St. Mary's Church
28 Attorney St.
New York, NY 10002
Contact us @
Defenders of the Holy Trinity
St. Mary's Church
28 Attorney St.
New York, NY 10002
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