I Love The Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Who Lives Within Me, Now and Forever. Amen

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

He Is Truly Lord of Heaven & Earth

By Juan Rodriguez of DHT

We as Catholic youth and young adults celebrate this special Holy day of Obligation remembering the story of Jesus returning to Heaven. This can be found in the Book of Acts of the Apostles (Acts chapter 1& 2). He did this by His own power as God and Man. This was forty days after His Resurrection.

What is the importance of this holy day?

The Feast of the Ascension reminds us (the Church) that Jesus’ visible mission on earth has come to a close. This does not mean that our Lord is not present with us, but simply that He is going back to our Father in Heaven. Most importantly, because of our Lord’s life, passion, and death that saved all humanity, our Father gives to our Lord Jesus the important honor of being seated at His right hand. Jesus as God and Man is glorified forever in the presence of the Father and the Holy Spirit.

From His seat of Glory, Jesus, our most merciful and beloved Lord, had made a promise to His Apostles and to the whole world that He would not abandon us. He promised that He would send us the Holy Spirit who would be our guide. This will happen on the great feast day of Pentecost, which our Jewish brothers & sisters celebrate as the Feast of the First Fruits. On this day, ALL OF US as Christians will celebrate the birth of the Church. Many Baptized Catholic Christians will receive the power of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation, as they will declare with the People of God our Lord’s Good News throughout our communities, cities, country, and world.

What happens in the Church during this Holy Day?

Upon entering your parishes you will see a change in the Sanctuary. The long candle, called the Paschal Candle (which represents Christ’s Death, Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven) will still be lit, for it is still the Easter Season.

Does this mean Jesus left us alone?

No way! Although Jesus has physically gone to heaven, He has not left us spiritually. He is still present in His ministers (Pope, Bishops, Priests, and Deacons). He is present in the People of God, “us”. He is present in His Word, when it is read at Mass, the Sacraments, Liturgical Celebrations, prayer groups, at school, at the office, at the park, and anywhere that His Word is being read. He is definitely present in the Eucharist. We as Christians call this “Signs”. They show us that Christ, our Emmanuel, is still with us.

What happens after we celebrate this Holy Day?

We prepare together for the coming of the Holy Spirit – Pentecost. The feast of the Ascension begins on the 40th day after Easter, falling on a Thursday. After the celebration, the Church enters into 9 days of prayer in preparation for Pentecost. We call this a “novena”. It is done publicly or privately by the people of God. In our Church’s history, the first novena was done by the Apostles, Mary, and those who were in the upper room, waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1 & 2)

How can I get my family and my group to prepare for Pentecost? Is there a novena to the Holy Spirit?

There is a novena to the Holy Spirit, which you can get at your local Catholic Bookstore or within your parish gift shops. Simply click on “Catholic Bookstore” to find a bookstore nearest you. This list is only for New York.

Holy Spirit Novena

Dearest Holy Spirit, confiding in Your deep, personal love for me, I am making this novena for the following request, if it be Your Holy Will to grant it:
(mention your request).

Teach me, Divine Spirit, to know and seek my last end; grant me the holy fear of God; grant me true contrition and patience.
Do not let me fall into sin. Give me an increase of faith, hope and charity, and bring forth in my soul all the virtues proper to my state in life.

Make me a faithful disciple of Jesus and an obedient child of the Church. Give me efficacious grace sufficient to keep the Commandments and to receive the Sacraments worthily.
Give me the four Cardinal Virtues, Your Seven Gifts, Your Twelve Fruits.
Raise me to perfection in the state of life to which You have called me and lead me through a happy death to everlasting life.
I ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Taken From the EWTN Web Site– Novena to the Holy Spirit


It would be helpful if Catholic groups that have web sites could put a link or even the prayer on their web site. Parishes that have web sites can do the same.

You can also call for a daily prayer of the novena amongst the faithful of your parish, your groups, and your family.

If you want to promote the prayer of the novena in your parish, create fliers and post them within the Church and share with parish groups, leaders, parents and members of the parish. I would even encourage you to go as far as mailing letters, dropping off notices at apartment doors or to houses in your neighborhood to get the community involved. You may win a fallen away Catholic by inviting him or her to experience a powerful conversion to the Lord.

Let’s make this feast special – spread the word! Let’s make New York a Holy Christian Community.


Anonymous John of DHT said...

“Should we be obliged to attend Mass?” What are your thoughts? What do you think about this word “Obligation”?

9:45 AM  

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